martes, 20 de noviembre de 2007

THE LAUGHTHER (oral presentation)

Laughing is a very vitality gesture. It transmitts happiness and is very beneficial for our healthy!
In the past and in some of places the laughing was an impolite sign.
Nowadays there are still cultures and countries where is more sensible and mature remain serious. Luckily, every time more laughing is considered a very good think.
The laughing is situated in the more developed part of the brain. Scientists say that in this part there is the creativity, the capacity to think about the future and the morale. But when we became old we lose the spontaneity of laugh and search the comic part of the situations. For this reason is good learn to laugh.

Laughing like a therapy

The philosopher Freud attributed the laugh like the power of release the negative energy of our body. This capacity was prove when scientists discovered that the brain cortex release negatives electric impulses after a second to begin to laugh. Because of this the laugh therapy is now a reality.
In several centres of psychotherapy the laugh therapy consist in stimulate the production of hormones that our body make thanks of exercises and plays in groups. In this form the patients can release the tensions of their body and make easier the laugh like a corporal expression. It consists to laugh healthy and natural, like the children.

The physicals effects of laugh:

EXERCISE: With every smile 400 muscles work, adding some of the stomach that only works with the laugh.
CLEANING: The tears of the eyes clean its. The smiles make vibrated the heat and the nose and the ears improve. To sump up laughing eliminates the toxins because of the activity the diaphragm produces an internal message that make easier the digestion and helps to reduce the fat acids and the toxic components.
OXYGENATION: Come in the double air in the lungs and make that the skin being more oxygenated.
ANALGESYC: The hormones that get out when we laughing act like the morphine.
REJUVENATING: Rejuvenates when the muscles of the face stretch and stimulates. Moreover it has got invigorating and antiwrinkle effects.
AVOID THE HEART ATTACK: The internal message that produces the spasms of diaphragm arrive in the lungs and the heart too and has its heavier.
MAKE ESIER THE SLEEP: The smiles produced a healthy fatigue that eliminates the insomnia.

The psychological effects of the laugh:

Produces hormones (endorphins and adrenaline), that rise up the vital tone and make feel us more awake.
MAKE LIGHTER THE DEPRESSION: The laugh makes us more receptive and makes see the btight side of the things.
PROCESS OF REGRESSION: Can generate an increase in a brain and emotional operation, like a mechanism to make lighter a reality that is receives it like a bad or negative.
EXTERNALIZATION: By means of the laugh the people externalize emotions and sentiments. Overalls when we need laughing and the social situation not allowed.

We laugh when we see or hear something funny. To sump up the laugh is contagious and is the communicative power of the humour so we invite you to do it every time you can!!!

We concluded that the best thing that a person can give to you is a big smile!

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