martes, 6 de mayo de 2008

The dialogue

Hi! Bowe here,welcoming you to an interview of Blue Earth magazine. In today's interview you'll can know more about the Tuaregm clan's way of life in the desert: how they take their food, water and other things for survive without tecnologies and using rudimentary tools.

Here we begin!

J: What is the life of Tuareg like in the middle of the desert?
B: Well, Umm...we're used it but I'm sure that for a person who always have lived around modern tools, new technologies and with all that he/she has needed, is so difficult and hard!
J: Yeah, it's obvious. I understand you...but can you explain some hard conditions that you have spent some time?
B: Of course! I'm going to talk about one of the most hard conditions...
J: Ok, perfect!And...
B: Water...
J: That's it!
B: Well...we live in a desert and because of it fact we have to keep the water as well as posible. We don't know when will arrive the day when we have no more water...
J: Sure...
B: Every two or three days, Tuareg women walk forty miles untilnearest well.
J: Godness me! Forty miles!
B: Yeah...
J: And what about food?
B: We make all food we need, but our diet is mostly based on cereals...
J: Obviously!
B: I invite you to spend one or two days in my village if you want...
J: Going crazt!(laughter), Ok, I'll search some free time in my timetable.
B: You'll be welcome!
J: Right. Thank you to be patient!
B: Oh, it has been a pleasure!
J: See you Bowe!
B: Bye! I'll be waiting for your visit!

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