Lizzie is prejudiced because she tought Mr.Darcy is an arrogant person because of his wealth and Mr.Darcy is proud because he didin't want say Lizzie that he loved her.
2- View the trailer of the film and write what they say
-is here!
-is here in amiable?
-Is he handsome?
-he's single
-have a list.
-oh my godness everybody be at naturally
-mr.collins at your service.
In an Europe where marrying a rich man was the most a women could hope for.Elisabeth Bennet was way ahead of her time.
-I'm single you out as a compenian of my future life.
-I cannot accept to you.
-Don't worry Mr.Colins.
-Tell her you're insisted of the marriage.
-You'll have this hause. Ans save your sisters from destituting.
-I cannot make me.
-That is Mr.Darcy.
-He looks miserable poor soul.
-Miserable he may be.
-But poor he must certainly is not.
-Do you dance Mr.Darcy?
-Not if I can help it.
-What on earth have you done to poor Mr.Darcy?
-I have no idea.
-I do not have the talent of conversing easily with people I've never met before.
-You should practise
3- Life in the Jane Austen's times (bonus material)
Comment on some differences that caught your attention.
In the nineteen century life was so different. Jane Austein.........
4- The State homes
Choose one of the houses where the film was set. Look up basic info, a picture and a moment in the film you particularly like.
Wilton house
Wilton House is an English countryhouse situated at Wilton near Salisbury in Wiltshire. It has been the country seat of the Earls of Pembroke for over 400 years.

The first recorded building on the site of Wilton House was of a priory founded by King Egbert circa 871. This priory later due to the munificence of King Alfred was granted lands and manors until it became a powerful and wealthy abbey. However, by the time Wilton Abbey was dissolved during ththeDissolution of the Monasteriesby King Henry VIII of England , its prosperity was already on the wane — following the seizure of the abbey King Henry then presented it and the estates to William Herbert.
This is Lady Katherine's hause. It appears when she invites Bennet's family to have dinner.
5- Dating traditions (bonus material)
*What do you do when you meet people for the first time? Are there any accepted social norms?
When we meet people for the first time, the tradition is to make two kisses on each cheek of that person. There aren't any accepted social norms. Of course there are some things that you cannot do, but they are things that are against the ethic.
*What do you think were the politics of 18th century dating ?
They were so polite and there was some strict norms like sending a letter before the dating and ask to the grils's father to be allowed to dating with his daughter.
*Answering these questions may help you:
1. Where did people go in order to find a good husband / wife?
They went to a ball to finda good husband/wife. It was a type of parties where people danced and just talk to each other.
2. Who went dancing?
Everybody, especially the young people.
3. What were the rules of behaviour for a man when a lady walked in a room?
He had to stand up and bow.
4. When did people have the opportunity to talk with the person they were interested in alone?
When they were allowed of the father's girl.
5. Describe the first time Darcy touches Elisabeth
Elisabeth was getting into his carriage to come back home when Mr.Darcy take her hand to help her to climb
at it.
6. CONCLUSION: Should there be some basic social norms for dating? Suggest 3 basic ideas.
1. Be polite
When we meet people for the first time, the tradition is to make two kisses on each cheek of that person. There aren't any accepted social norms. Of course there are some things that you cannot do, but they are things that are against the ethic.
*What do you think were the politics of 18th century dating ?
They were so polite and there was some strict norms like sending a letter before the dating and ask to the grils's father to be allowed to dating with his daughter.
*Answering these questions may help you:
1. Where did people go in order to find a good husband / wife?
They went to a ball to finda good husband/wife. It was a type of parties where people danced and just talk to each other.
2. Who went dancing?
Everybody, especially the young people.
3. What were the rules of behaviour for a man when a lady walked in a room?
He had to stand up and bow.
4. When did people have the opportunity to talk with the person they were interested in alone?
When they were allowed of the father's girl.
5. Describe the first time Darcy touches Elisabeth
Elisabeth was getting into his carriage to come back home when Mr.Darcy take her hand to help her to climb
at it.
6. CONCLUSION: Should there be some basic social norms for dating? Suggest 3 basic ideas.
1. Be polite
6- Keira Knightley
She plays one of the most important female roles in literature. What is your view Ms Elizabeth Bennett?
Elizabeth is a prejudiced girl who doesn't give so importance to the marriage as her sisters do. She was a way ahead of her time. She likes reading, walking and knowing things of the life, not like the womans in that time, who are only educated to get a nice husband and educated her child in a good way.
Is she a heroine?How different is she from her sisters?
Yes, she is. Because she broke up the traditional rules and doesn't worry so much about stupid things like her sisters do. She only is worried about really important issues.
8- Views on marriage. This is Jane Austen's opinion:
"Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance. If the dispositions of the parties are ever so well known to each other or ever so similar beforehand, it does not advance their felicity in the least(...)and it is better to know as little as possible of the defects of the person with whom you are to pass your life."
- What do you think? Knowing each other very well is no guarantee of happiness?
- Write your opinion in 100 words: "Happiness in marriage is a question of chance"
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