martes, 4 de diciembre de 2007
Computers have made the world a better place
domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2007
Questions about The Others
1- The Title
The title refers to the ghosts who are living in the mansion: Grace, Anne and Nicolas principally. They don’t know that are dead.
2- The Setting
The dark atmosphere, the old mansion, the lonely and foggy forest, the play with the voices, the soundtrack, and Nicole Kidman who has got a pale face and very light color eyes make the film horror.
I think that Alejandro Amenábar chase a very good and simply elements, I wouldn’t like to add any more.
3- The Time
The film set terminus the Second Mundial War.
The director show us when Grace’s husband has arrived of the war and finally he returned there.
4- The Cast
Grace, the mother:
She feels scared and responsible of her children’s dead.
She educate their very religiously.
Grace had become mad because she killed her children and after she killed to herself by a rifle, all this things happen after the film but in the large of story we can know it.

They think that suffer photophobia but they are ghosts so they can’t have any illness.
They cope
Mrs Mills, Mr Tutle and Lydia, the housekeepers:
They story role is make see to Grace that she and her children are ghosts and that the others who are in the house are alive.
Alejandro Amenábar, the director:
Tesis is another film that he has directed. He was 29 years old when he directed The Others because he was born in 1972 and the film had made in 2001.
The Others won a Goya for the best film, the best director and the best original script.
Yes, I think that The Others can be considered a representative of Gothic fiction.
It isn’t a blood horror film the principally topic about religion and discourage superstition by providing evidence of the existence of good spirits. And appear a lot of darkest fears.
martes, 27 de noviembre de 2007
New's summary
New's summary

New's summary
viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2007
My advert analysis
This advert is about an Italian comunication business.
The target audience is everybody who see it. It transmits good feelings that people must have, like be generous, solidarity, and so one. The advert want to say that with a good communications, all the things are better and feelings like these can be communicated easier.
The telecom advert is attractive because of the images are so impressive: the places and people.
Gandy is a very celebrity person in the world and he always transmitted feelings that make we think about. For this reason the advert is quite influential.
The music which the advert uses is Indian music; quite relax and it seems celestial.
The create of a mood an audience is related of the message. This kind of music with Gandy's message make aware the people who heard it.
The pace of the music is slowly and the pace is similar all the time but in the end of the advert the pitch of the voice of the singer rise up because it's when the slogan appears.
The colours predominant in the advert are black and white because it depict a past time.
The logo is presented in the end of the advert "TELECOM Italia, communicated is life"
In the advert appears all kind of people: young and old people and casual and formal too. There are also people of different cultures and countries.
The people who appear in the advert are working, shopping, two lovers sitting in a bench...They are doing all this things because the advert want to attract attention all kind of people there are in the world.
The slogan is: Imagine the world if he could have communicated like this. The images play the major role in the advert and the words play a secondary role.
martes, 20 de noviembre de 2007
THE LAUGHTHER (oral presentation)
In the past and in some of places the laughing was an impolite sign.
Nowadays there are still cultures and countries where is more sensible and mature remain serious. Luckily, every time more laughing is considered a very good think.
The laughing is situated in the more developed part of the brain. Scientists say that in this part there is the creativity, the capacity to think about the future and the morale. But when we became old we lose the spontaneity of laugh and search the comic part of the situations. For this reason is good learn to laugh.
Laughing like a therapy
The philosopher Freud attributed the laugh like the power of release the negative energy of our body. This capacity was prove when scientists discovered that the brain cortex release negatives electric impulses after a second to begin to laugh. Because of this the laugh therapy is now a reality.
In several centres of psychotherapy the laugh therapy consist in stimulate the production of hormones that our body make thanks of exercises and plays in groups. In this form the patients can release the tensions of their body and make easier the laugh like a corporal expression. It consists to laugh healthy and natural, like the children.
The physicals effects of laugh:
EXERCISE: With every smile 400 muscles work, adding some of the stomach that only works with the laugh.
CLEANING: The tears of the eyes clean its. The smiles make vibrated the heat and the nose and the ears improve. To sump up laughing eliminates the toxins because of the activity the diaphragm produces an internal message that make easier the digestion and helps to reduce the fat acids and the toxic components.
OXYGENATION: Come in the double air in the lungs and make that the skin being more oxygenated.
ANALGESYC: The hormones that get out when we laughing act like the morphine.
REJUVENATING: Rejuvenates when the muscles of the face stretch and stimulates. Moreover it has got invigorating and antiwrinkle effects.
AVOID THE HEART ATTACK: The internal message that produces the spasms of diaphragm arrive in the lungs and the heart too and has its heavier.
MAKE ESIER THE SLEEP: The smiles produced a healthy fatigue that eliminates the insomnia.
The psychological effects of the laugh:
ELIMINATE THE STRESS: Produces hormones (endorphins and adrenaline), that rise up the vital tone and make feel us more awake.
MAKE LIGHTER THE DEPRESSION: The laugh makes us more receptive and makes see the btight side of the things.
PROCESS OF REGRESSION: Can generate an increase in a brain and emotional operation, like a mechanism to make lighter a reality that is receives it like a bad or negative.
EXTERNALIZATION: By means of the laugh the people externalize emotions and sentiments. Overalls when we need laughing and the social situation not allowed.
We laugh when we see or hear something funny. To sump up the laugh is contagious and is the communicative power of the humour so we invite you to do it every time you can!!!
We concluded that the best thing that a person can give to you is a big smile!
martes, 16 de octubre de 2007
Jokes =)
Want to hear two short jokes and a long joke?
Joke. Joke. Joooooooooooooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkke.
Two women that are dog owners are arguing about which dog is smarter...
First woman: "My dog is so smart, every morning he waits for the paper boy to come around and then he takes the newspaper and brings it to me"
Second woman: "I know..."
First woman: "How?"
Second woman: "My dog told me."
MY FIRST EMAIL (2n batx)
I'm going to talk about myself and you could know more things about me ;)
My name's Alba and I'm 17 years old. I live in Figueres. I have got one brother and a sister they are both older than me. My brother David is 28 and lives in Figueres now but three months ago he was living in Barcelona with his girlfriend and my sister Raquel is 30 and live in Cadiz.
This summer it has been perfect! I've worked in a camping of st. Pere Pescador called "La ballena alegre". There I was a waiter of the self-service. At the begining I didn't be very happy because I didn't want to work and stay all the summer living in the camping but in three days stay there I didn't want leave. I've worked a lot but I've also passed a lot of amazing moments with all the people that I've known.
By-by Teacher! I hope that we pass a good course all together
I had a break of 3 or 4 hours every day and we passed this time on the beach, I relaxed a lot liying on the sand and listening the sound of the waves...
when we have finished to work we went out of party every night! Fantastic moments too!
A lot of workers were from Granollers and when I've finished my summer job I went there because it was the feast of their city. I passed a really enjoy weekend with all of them.
Now I miss them a lot and I'm waiting ancious the next summer to stay every day with them.
In fact this summer it has been the better of my life!
Is impressive the large number of friends I've done there! I'm very happy :)
miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2007
The summary of the 3rd book
This History talks about a conflict about a great spanish general called Maximmus and a son of the Troya's king, Marco Aurelio.
After died, the king gave his command post to Màximmus for after his death.
The king died in a battle and when Commodus knew this new became very furious and he throw Maximmus of the Roman empire. Commodus ordered to his generals to kill all of Spanish general's familly.
After this terrible succes Maximmus converted in slave of a trafficker's man and he was obligated to practise of gladiator.
The days passed and Maximmus was convertting the better and stronger slave.
The hisotry finished when the slave's gladiators go to the capital of the Empire, Roma, and fight in the Colisseum with very strong men. Finally Maximmus fight with Commodus and both died.
jueves, 24 de mayo de 2007
Every night he go to the castle to see the princess, One
Day, he come around her and he give a
Red rose to the beautiful princess
Only she missed a kiss of the knight...
Some seconds later the knight kissed her,
Eventually, they get married and lived happy for ever!
WRITING- Too much violence on TV
In computer games the same happens and the children feel identified with the virtual people that only kill.
On the other hand watching violence on tv with parents and after this speaking about the scenes that they have seen can make reflexionated children aware that it's a bad thing.
The world is changing very quikly. Some yeras ago this problem didn't happen and it keeps growing.
In conclusion I think that all this vilence and tv computer games can be the cause of the radical violent people in the future.
I'm going to explain things about me, so you will know me better.
My name's Alba and I'm 16 years old. I was born in Figueres and I live in this town too. I have got one brother and one sister, they are older than me, my sister's name is Raquel and she's 29 and my brother's name is David and he's 27.
I'm studying in IES Castelló d'Empúries because my best firends are here and I need some changes in my life. Here I feel happier.
Now I'm studying first of batxillerat and I study new subjects like economy, philosofy.. I like it! After my batxillerat studies I'll go to University but I don't know which career I'll study yet. Probably something related to economy.
Like a lot a of teenagers I like going out with my friends, listening to music and I love animals so much too. One of the things that I like to do is sleepping, it relaxes me a lot.
I hope that this mail helps you to know more things about me.
viernes, 18 de mayo de 2007
He's quite tall and he's 1,83m high. He has got black hair and his green eyes are very expressive and really nice! His lips are streight and his smile is very personal and nice. He has got a little big nose too. From my point of view I find him a sexy person! ;)
His personality is a bit complicated but normally funny. He's a very competitive person, it's for this reason that he is a little big-headed. He thinks about things which he belives that are problems very much!I don't like it.
He likes sport very much and he goes to the gym and moreover he prectises "jujitsu", that it's a type of martial art and a personal protection. Other of this hobbies would be listening to relaxing music while lighting incense and ralaxing.
He likes parties very much too!
domingo, 13 de mayo de 2007
Slippy Hollow is a terror movie and it’s about a terrible history.
A lot of years ago there was a horseman that always killed people in battles with his wonderful sword. He killed people cutting their head. One day he was the victim and a person killed him and cut his head too. Since then Slippy Hollow, a little village of United States began to there murder of innocent people. The victims appeared without head and that problem made that a forensic investigated this success.
He didn’t know why dead didn’t have the head. In day’s time he discovered that the horseman cut the heads because he didn’t have his head in his grave and somebody had it. This person made an evil spell and said the name of the person that want to death. Finally he discovered who was that person, he caught the horseman skull and he returned it to his grave. Never again the horseman killed people and Slippy Hollow could be happy.

We think that childhood should be a happy time for everybody. Children use to spend their time playing with their friends, enjoying every favorite toy, even studying or doing their homework from school.
But too many children in the developing world, spend all their time fighting to survive, working, without much hope for a secure, productive or fun life. Six million children who are under five years old die every year as a result of hunger.
All these poor children have to see many horrible aspects of life, which we hope not to see never during our life.
They are used to see the dead of most of their relatives, friends and so one.
Fifty-seven million people around the world died last year, ten and halve million of them were children who were less than five years old. The majority of these children- some ninety-eight percent- were in developing nations. They died because of hunger and other illnesses.
For those children who survive childhood, the possibility to have a secure and happy future is still filled with obstacles. Children in developing nations have limited access to education, which limits their opportunities to get a successful job.
Social, cultural and economic investments help one hundred twenty-one million children, especially girls to go to school. However, their parents haven’t the same opinion, as they want their children to cooperate at home or even find a job to help with their family income.
In these developed countries, only fourteen percent of the girls arrive at the secondary school, a education that is obligatory here, in our county.
Some voluntary organizations fight versus the poverty and they create many education projects in poor communities.
Many of the developed countries in the world are the result of a war. And appart from that there are many children in the world who are fighting in these armed conflicts, or they are victims of them. In the last decade, more than two millions children have died as a direct result of armed conflict. Three hundred thousand children soldiers are exploited in the war in over thirty counties around the world.
You can think that their parents are the guilty but you have to know in what situation are they living. They need help to have some money, if not they can died because of hunger.
Two hundred forty-six million children are working nowadays. They work in very hard conditions and two million children have to work in the commercial sex trade.
These are some of the real result of the poverty.
jueves, 10 de mayo de 2007
Love is all you need to marry in Las Vegas. Well, you also need 55dollars to pay for the valid identification and you also need the social security number to get the license.
You don’t have to worry about the rings, about the flowers, or about the dress you are going to wear that day. They have got all the things you need.
You can ever get married dressing as Star Trek characters or dressing up as a witch or whatever you like. Many chapels and hotels offer a variety of ceremony themes.
Although there are many weddings packages offered, people who get married in Las Vegas prefer to organize their ceremony and party by themselves.
Las Vegas has been one of the world’s most popular destinations for weddings for more than 50 years_ for example last year there were more than 122.000 weddings.
Apart from that, there are lots of hotels in Las Vegas that offer the possibility to celebrate the wedding and the Honeymoon at the same time and at the same place because Las Vegas is a perfect holidays destination. It’s also interesting for the bride and the groom to offer their family and friends the possibility to spend a week in a very popular city.
Another reason why Las Vegas is a popular destination to get married is that you don’t have to wait to do it, you can celebrate your wedding as soon as you decide it . Weddings are a important aspect of the popular culture in Las Vegas. There is a long list of celebrities who have been married there, from Michel Jordan to Elvis Prestlei or Britney Spears.
There are a enormous variety of hotel casinos in Las Vegas. They have their own motif everyone . The new casinos design their façades attract walk-up customers and many of these entrances have become attractions themselves.
The newest, most spectacular and most popular casinos in Las Vegas are locates in Las Vegas Boulevard ,known as “The Strip”. We are going to describe some of those grand hotels casinos.
The smallest hotels have over 2000 hotel rooms. Each of these casinos have large swimming pools, multimple restaurants and a variety of entretainement theatres.
Some of them offer health spas, wedding chapels or golf packages.
The older hotel casinos and the ones which are not located on this famous street “The Strip” offer a moderately prices to attract costumers .
The most famous hotel casinos in Las Vegas are:
It has an ancient Egyptian motif with a huge Sphinx at the entry, and a 110 metres high, all-glass pyramid.
This huge white castle with multi-colored turrets. It has 4008 rooms, six restaurants, two swimming pools and a wedding chapel.
This is one of the newer hotel casino in Las Vegas. It is a re-creation or Paris in the Nevada desert, complete with a scale model Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe or Louvre.
Aladdin Hotel casino has an Arabian nights theme. It offer over 2600 spacious rooms, 21 restaurants and a large shopping mall.
Other hotel casinos motifs are The Monte Carlo city, the Circus, Hollywood or Cesar palace.
Most of the attractions and shows on the Strip are located on the hotel casino properties. Some of the more popular free attractions include the water fountains.
The list of shows playing in Las Vegas include five cirque du Solei shows, the Blue Man Group, and some imported Brodway shows like Mamma Mia! And the Phantom of the opera.