domingo, 18 de mayo de 2008

English final evaluation

Well, after all this two courses I can do a evaluation of this new English project;
We have been the firsts students who improve that new project. At the begining I was afraid seeing all the things that I had to do: orals presentations with its respective evaluations, blog, portfolio and lenguage class activites. All was new for us and a little bit hard. But when I begin to be used to do all this work little by little I begin to take practice and all going be easier.
I think that with the old system we knew more about grammar, senteces structure, etc. But with it we can't improve our English speaking as well as now.
This new project has helped us to have more speaking fluency and understand the spoken English thanks of all the listenings that we've done and thanks of Anika overalls (our English Asistent). This last thing has be very very useful!
Orals presentations has been probably the harder work but at the same time I think that it's going to be very useful tool because in the University we'll have to do some oral presentations (not in English) and I'm sure that I'll be more confident when I'm going to do it!
One of the things that I've also learnt is create web pages like blog and its configuration ^^
I hope this project continue working like until now!I know that it's a hard work for you too.
cheer up teachers
and be luckly!;)

miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2008

The acrostic

Souls are happy
Hearts are beating
A bright light of the sun falls on the ground
Keep it and make it yours!
Even the sounds are different.
Spend that day outside.
Princes and princesses are expecting impatient
Early they'll receive a very special symbol
A book for the princes,
Roses for the princesses
Every feeling means peace and love.

The formal letter

21th Perelada Street
Figueres 17600
6th April 2008
Spanish Minister of Enviroment
La Moncloa
25 Génova Street
Madrid 19660
I writting in a connection with the water waste in Spain and I am going to suggest you few ideas to solve that problem.
The water is being everytime more a problem for Humankind because of its waste and because of the drought we are suffering.
In Spain the effects of this fact begin to be a clear evidence and if we do not get ideas to improve it quickly we will not have water in a recent future.
First of all we have to mesure the water we need everyday and use only what we need. If the problem continues, we will have to do an effective plan and get is as possible as we can.
I will be thinking about more ideas. Meanwhile you can revise the ideas that I have given you.

Yours faithfully,

viernes, 9 de mayo de 2008

Preud and prejudice- Ginesta and Alba

1- Pride and prejudice??? Explain the title: who's got pride? who's got prejudice?
Lizzie is prejudiced because she tought Mr.Darcy is an arrogant person because of his wealth and Mr.Darcy is proud because he didin't want say Lizzie that he loved her.

2- View the trailer of the film and write what they say

-is here!
-is here in amiable?

-Is he handsome?
-he's single
-have a list.
-oh my godness everybody be at naturally
-mr.collins at your service.
In an Europe where marrying a rich man was the most a women could hope for.Elisabeth Bennet was way ahead of her time.
-I'm single you out as a compenian of my future life.
-I cannot accept to you.
-Don't worry Mr.Colins.
-Tell her you're insisted of the marriage.
-You'll have this hause. Ans save your sisters from destituting.
-I cannot make me.
-That is Mr.Darcy.
-He looks miserable poor soul.

-Miserable he may be.
-But poor he must certainly is not.
-Do you dance Mr.Darcy?
-Not if I can help it.
-What on earth have you done to poor Mr.Darcy?
-I have no idea.
-I do not have the talent of conversing easily with people I've never met before.
-You should practise

3- Life in the Jane Austen's times (bonus material)
Comment on some differences that caught your attention.

In the nineteen century life was so different. Jane Austein.........

4- The State homes
Choose one of the houses where the film was set. Look up basic info, a picture and a moment in the film you particularly like.

Wilton house

Wilton House is an English countryhouse situated at Wilton near Salisbury in Wiltshire. It has been the country seat of the Earls of Pembroke for over 400 years.

The first recorded building on the site of Wilton House was of a priory founded by King Egbert circa 871. This priory later due to the munificence of King Alfred was granted lands and manors until it became a powerful and wealthy abbey. However, by the time Wilton Abbey was dissolved during ththeDissolution of the Monasteriesby King Henry VIII of England , its prosperity was already on the wane — following the seizure of the abbey King Henry then presented it and the estates to William Herbert.

This is Lady Katherine's hause. It appears when she invites Bennet's family to have dinner.

5- Dating traditions (bonus material)
*What do you do when you meet people for the first time? Are there any accepted social norms?
When we meet people for the first time, the tradition is to make two kisses on each cheek of that person. There aren't any accepted social norms. Of course there are some things that you cannot do, but they are things that are against the ethic.
*What do you think were the politics of 18th century dating ?
They were so polite and there was some strict norms like sending a letter before the dating and ask to the grils's father to be allowed to dating with his daughter.
*Answering these questions may help you:
1. Where did people go in order to find a good husband / wife?
They went to a ball to finda good husband/wife. It was a type of parties where people danced and just talk to each other.
2. Who went dancing?
Everybody, especially the young people.
3. What were the rules of behaviour for a man when a lady walked in a room?
He had to stand up and bow.
4. When did people have the opportunity to talk with the person they were interested in alone?
When they were allowed of the father's girl.
5. Describe the first time Darcy touches Elisabeth
Elisabeth was getting into his carriage to come back home when Mr.Darcy take her hand to help her to climb
at it.
6. CONCLUSION: Should there be some basic social norms for dating? Suggest 3 basic ideas.
1. Be polite

6- Keira Knightley

She plays one of the most important female roles in literature. What is your view Ms Elizabeth Bennett?
Elizabeth is a prejudiced girl who doesn't give so importance to the marriage as her sisters do. She was a way ahead of her time. She likes reading, walking and knowing things of the life, not like the womans in that time, who are only educated to get a nice husband and educated her child in a good way.

Is she a heroine?How different is she from her sisters?

Yes, she is. Because she broke up the traditional rules and doesn't worry so much about stupid things like her sisters do. She only is worried about really important issues.

8- Views on marriage. This is Jane Austen's opinion:
"Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance. If the dispositions of the parties are ever so well known to each other or ever so similar beforehand, it does not advance their felicity in the least(...)and it is better to know as little as possible of the defects of the person with whom you are to pass your life."
  • What do you think? Knowing each other very well is no guarantee of happiness?

  • Write your opinion in 100 words: "Happiness in marriage is a question of chance"

martes, 6 de mayo de 2008

The dialogue

Hi! Bowe here,welcoming you to an interview of Blue Earth magazine. In today's interview you'll can know more about the Tuaregm clan's way of life in the desert: how they take their food, water and other things for survive without tecnologies and using rudimentary tools.

Here we begin!

J: What is the life of Tuareg like in the middle of the desert?
B: Well, Umm...we're used it but I'm sure that for a person who always have lived around modern tools, new technologies and with all that he/she has needed, is so difficult and hard!
J: Yeah, it's obvious. I understand you...but can you explain some hard conditions that you have spent some time?
B: Of course! I'm going to talk about one of the most hard conditions...
J: Ok, perfect!And...
B: Water...
J: That's it!
B: Well...we live in a desert and because of it fact we have to keep the water as well as posible. We don't know when will arrive the day when we have no more water...
J: Sure...
B: Every two or three days, Tuareg women walk forty miles untilnearest well.
J: Godness me! Forty miles!
B: Yeah...
J: And what about food?
B: We make all food we need, but our diet is mostly based on cereals...
J: Obviously!
B: I invite you to spend one or two days in my village if you want...
J: Going crazt!(laughter), Ok, I'll search some free time in my timetable.
B: You'll be welcome!
J: Right. Thank you to be patient!
B: Oh, it has been a pleasure!
J: See you Bowe!
B: Bye! I'll be waiting for your visit!




April 12,2007


Catalonia's rainfall will decline because of the climate change and its temperatures will rise by as many as four degrees.
In general, the Mediterranean region is singled out as one of the world's most sensitive to the effects of climate change.
Southern Europe, including Spain, is expected to have more frequent and longer droughts, bringing a greater risk of forest lives and greater health risk due to heat waves.
One consequence for Spain, will be a decline in tourism during the summer and an increase during the spring and autumn.



November 15, 2007


The depiction of black people in Spanish and Catalan advertising and media would get phones rining off the hook in civil rights organisations across the US and the UK.
The African and South American people who came to Catalonia and Spain to have a better life feel discriminated when they see some adverts on TV. Adverts like conguitos and Cola-cao principally.

martes, 25 de marzo de 2008


January, 17 2008


Children in Catalonia don't eat enough fruit. What until now was an intuition has been proved to be fact by a recent survey by the Fundació Dieta Mediterrània. The study, based on 2,561 choldren surveyed between the ages of eight and eleven in 20 Barcelona's schools, makes alarming reading.

According to the findings of the report some 22% and 15% respectively of the children in the study had never eaten tomato or an orange. IT'S SCARED!!!!


December, 20 2007


In the first 11months of 2007 Barcelona's airport has already beaten the record number of passengers set last year.
Some 30,5 million passengers went through the airport from Jenuary to November of 2007. This marks on almost 10% increase from the previous year, according to the Spanish airport Authority Aera.
Passengers flying through Girona's airport also increased during the same period, up 32,4% from the previous year.

sábado, 15 de marzo de 2008


October, 25 2007


Last 23 October Al-Gore ame to Barcelona to told to an audience all problems about the climate
change because Spain is the European country most vulnerable of it.
During his tour arround some cities of Spain, Al-Gore, recived award for international cooperation. An UK high court judge ruled that the documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" contained nine scientific errors that arrive in the context of alarmism and exaggeration. However, the documentary was bradly acurate.


Thursday, March 22 2007


The Generalitat have published a provisional paper due to be approved before the summer that will obligue under 16's to provide documentation proving parental consent if they want to get a tatoo, piercing or others. With the new law, these establishments must document what will happen during the operation.

A description of a place


Everytime I go to the "Aiguamolls de l'Empordà" I feel so free. It is a magic place where I can disconnected of all bad things I have in my mind; so it's a wonderful place! The "Aiguamolls" is a natural reserve next to the coast where you can find different kinds of birds. The most popular animal there is "La Cigonya Guita". It's a stork and the mascot of the park. In the midlle of this beautiful place there are also four old rise tower.

If you look around this place you can see fantastic views; in the east, there's the Mediterranean sea. If you look to the North you can see the large Pyrinees, it's great! Hainly when there is snow on top. The smell is fresh and without pollution and the sounds transmit relax to everyone who visits it.

The best thing about this place is the feeling that it envolves peace, serenety and freedom, a lot of freedom. I love the "Aiguamolls" :)


The research project is a hard work that is compulsory only in Catalonia. It IS about a topic which every student of second of Batxillerat can choose and it is worth like another any subject.
From my point of view, and I'm sure that a lot of other sudents who must do it feel like me, the reserch project is a unnecessary work that only helps to have more work moreover the all homework, exams and works that the teachers ask us. The "Generalitat de Catalunya" is the responsible of it and I can't understand why our autonoumus community is the only that takes part this project. Is the most unfair!
In conclusion the research paper is unnecessary. Every day more the department of educations of our country is getting crazy and they don't understand the students' lifestyle.

miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2008

My last oral presentation - my research paper!


Hello, today I’m going to talk about my research paper. The work consists in three parts: introduction, body and conclusions.


In my research project I’ve explained the kinds of energy there is: renewable and no renewable, the impacts that produced everyone in environment and from a second point of view in the economy. I have also explained the climate change issue and the future forecasts that are expected if the situation no change.

I’ve had been decided do a project about this topic because all related with the environment fascinate me a lot.

The BODY of the project has 8 principal parts:

- The first and second part is an introduction in the sustainable economy and a synthesis of the actual economy situation around the world, in Spain and Catalonia.
- Following I’ve explained the natural resources; what are they, the kinds of resources there are and their shortage.
- To be continued I’ve exposed all kinds of resources or energies:
Solar energy: thermal solar energy and photovoltaic solar energy.
Wind power
Biomass energy
Hydroelectric energy
Geothermic energy
Sea energy
The NO RENEWABLE energies:
Nuclear energy
Fossil combustibles: The 71% of the energy that we consume come from to the petroleum, the gas and the coal.

The petroleum
The gas
The coal

- After the explanation of the renewable and no renewable energies I’ve exposed the impacts that produce the obtaining of the fossil combustibles to the environment and the pollution that they emit.

- The fourth point is related of the global warming. The polluted made from the created of waste while the obtaining and combustion of the fossil combustibles make the global warming that it becomes a group of changes in the climate, called THE CLIMATE CHANGE.

- After I exposed the future forecasts related to the climate change. That it’s already a fact and their consequences begins to be serious around the world. (While the last 30 years in a lot of world’s places the meteorological conditions has become extreme, highest than previous period)

- The countries try to reduce the emission of toxic gases in the atmosphere by the way of collective agreement. The most important environment agreement is the Kyoto’s Protocol.

- Straight on I’ve explained the measures that have to take the action in a domestic situation.
Finally I had done an interview to a specialist of environmental education that she helps to me to complete some parts of the project and provided me more information.


Thanks of the development of this project my knowledge about the environment is more extensive than after to do it.

In 2030 the energetic global demand will increase until the 53%, this fact will became an annual increase of the emissions the 1,7%, until arrive in the 55%.

The 70% of this increase will come from to the two principal countries underdeveloped, China and India, according to the International agency of the energy. However, the developed countries represent only the 20% of the world’s population and they are the responsible of the 80% of the CO2 emissions in the atmosphere.

For this reasons is very important promote the renewable energies to reduce the pollution that made from the no renewable.

The changes produced in the climate because of the Earth warming are every time more obvious and we need measures to stop their.

This measure has to be from the domestic situation until the worldwide situations. We have the tools to solve it but the problem is that we don’t want to solve it. Until a disaster make react us I think that we won’t do anything… All is our hands.

viernes, 11 de enero de 2008


1- The film subtitles are: passion, obsession and temptation. Explain why.

We think these are the subtitles because they are three of the most importan feelings that the film want to express. They're in every scene. Match Point is a story about a romance from Nola and Chris who live a passion story. They are obsessed each other.
However, Chris is married with a rich girl (Cloe) and he doesn't want leave her because of the money. For this reason he can only see Nola like a beautiful temptation.

2- Watch this amazing take.

At what point in the film does it take place? Who is talking first? How does the director present the two characters? how can you interpret these words?

It takes place at the begining of the film. Nola is talking first.
The director present the two characters in a temptation way, they both know that there are a feeling between them, and they're both so provocative and sensual.
These words can be interpreted like an insinuation.

Nola: Well, who is my next victim?
Chris: I haven't played ping-pong for a long time ago.
Nola: Would you like to play a thousand pounds at match.
Chris: How did I get myself into this?
Nola: And how did I get myself too?
Chris: It's like this. May I...?
Nola: Please
Chris: You have to incline and accompany the ball.
Nola: Every thing was well until you appear.
Chris: My enternal fortune.
Nola: And tell me, what is doing a pretty american girl ping-pong player mixted with the English upper class.
Chris: Have somebody said to you that you have got a very agressive play?
Nola: Have somebody said to you that you have got a very sensual mouth?
Chris: So much agressive.
Nola: Mine is to compete.
Chris: Is it results uncomfortable to you?
Nola: I'm going to think about it, for a time.

3- The characters.

CHRIS; sensual, possessive and selfish.
NOLA; provocative, sexy and independent.
CHLOE; innocent, sweet and gullible.
TOM; unconcerned, spoilt and arrogant.
THE MOTHER; Rich, contemptible and traditional.
THE FATHER; Conservative, nice person and proud.

4- Several different English accents are to be found in the film.

Nola; american accent.
Chiris; English middle class.
Chloe; London cockney.
Tom; London cockney.
The mother; irish.

The London cockney and American accent for example, have main diferents: The first pronuntiation is more clear than the America accent are more superficial and no clear.

5- Comment on this scene. What do you think?
What's the director's view in the film about this issue?

It's a philosophical scene, Chris is thinking and talking about how important is to be luky in the live. Luck is incontrolable for people, we cannot buy it, althought, it changes our live.

6- The title is a tennis expression: why is the title used by the director?

Match point is an expression tennis: it means the last advantatge point of a match. In the film it means

7- Woody Allen, the director is known for his opinions and sayings, which are often quoted?

In Match Point Woody Allen quoted saying at the beginning of the film and also in the end.

" If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name in a Swiss bank "

I like this opinions because If God really exists and can would give us a clear sign, everybody ask to him a beneficial things for everyone.